Detayle:That's enough out of us!
Trickster:That's enough out of you then!
Detayle:Enough already!
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Most of the dialog is based on the standard Alice set. However, a few AIML elements have been changed - those relating to 'mother', 'science fiction' and 'Star Trek'.
Have a play and let me know what you think.
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1 comment:
Hi Mike
Seems to be coming along pretty well?
I just had the following exchange occur (actually has a Morecambe & Wise feel to it, even Groucho, with the non-sequiturs):
Detayle: How about that local sporting team?
Trickster:How about it.
Detayle:Sounds like a plan to me.
Trickster:What does a plan to you sound like?
Detayle:Is this a riddle?
Trickster:No, this is real life.
Detayle:That's enough out of us!
Trickster:That's enough out of you then!
Detayle:Enough already!
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